.223 Remington Redding Taper Crimp Die

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.223 Remington Redding Taper Crimp Die

Redding Taper Crimp Dies are designed to create a uniform crimp where the case mouth is angled towards the bullet as opposed to curving towards the bullet from a conventional roll crimp die. Taper crimp dies are used a lot in handgun cartridges which headspace off the case mouth but semi-auto bottleneck cartridge shooters sometimes want a slight crimp to maintain the bullet position in the case under recoil and also in some rifles can improve velocity and consistency. Popular examples would be the 223 Remington, 308 Winchester, 6.8 SPC, 6.5 Creedmoor, etc. This taper crimp die is for those that prefer the uniformity of a taper crimp when needing a crimped bullet. Also, this type of crimp die is excellent when loading bullets without a cannelure.


  • One Redding Taper Crimp Die
  • One die box
  • Complete Instructions
  • Shellholder sold separately


  • Separate die for putting a taper crimp
  • Angled crimp versus a curved roll crimp
  • Prevents bullet from moving under recoil
  • Made in the U.S.A.
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