Nov 1st 2024
New Creedmoor "Scope Kennel" Padded Rifle Scope Protector
Our new "Scope Kennel" padded rifle scope protector fits securely over the top of any scope shorter than 13 inches, and protects your rifle scope while you're on the range, removing or returning your rifle to a gun safe, or simply working on or cleaning your rifle.
The cover is securely held in place by two heavy duty adjustable nylon straps, and is available in two versions, with Velcro closures or buckle closures. Trust me, this puppy ain't going to let your rifle fall.And as with most Creedmoor Products, we make them right here in our production facility, so you can choose any color or fabric you see on our website.
These are currently available for the AR15 and the 1903 A4 but keep an eye out for other rifle scope combinations as they become available.
The Rifle Carry Scope Protector is made to order but we make every effort to ship your scope protector within 24 hours of receiving your order, and if you'd like one with your name embroidered we can do that as well.
Just to demonstrate how well made our padded rifle scope cover is, we had Dennis hook it onto a fork-lift and do a pull-up!