Orion 12 Bull Air Rifle Targets

Orion Scoring Systems
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Orion 12 Bull Air Rifle Targets

250 ct

This target is similiar in design to the AR 5/10

Orion 12 Bull Air Rifle Targets are a part of the Orion Scoring System for automated electronic scoring. Orion air rifle targets are specially designed to be scanned using a commodity scanner and scored using the Orion software. Most computers can score an Orion air rifle target in 1~3 seconds.

An Orion for Clubs or Orion at Home license is required to score this target. It is similar in design to the AR-5/10 target. The scoring rings are equivalent to the ISSF air rifle target.

Orion 12 Bull Air Rifle Targets are similar in design to traditional 12 bull targets. They have 12 aiming bulls printed on A4 sized paper (8.3 x 11.8 inches), and use high quality target paper. Their high quality helps ensures each shot is scored to within .10mm.

The Orion Scoring System is approved for and has already been used in sanctioned events governed by USA Shooting, the National Rifle Association, the National Three Position Air Rifle Council, Civilian Marksmanship Program, American Legion, 4-H Shooting Sports and Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force JROTC Commands.

Orion is ideal for three-position air rifle and air rifle standing competitions or training. Orion can score in whole numbers (e.g. 10, 9, etc), decimal scores (10.9, 10.8, etc), calculates inner tens (Xs), and provides analysis on your 10 shot groups.

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